Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Swimming Lesson

I used to surf all the time and can remember vividly getting caught inside in huge waves when a set rolls in.  Even though I grew up at the beach and would be considered advanced in the ocean by any measure, there is nothing scarier than being out in the ocean with a huge swell and getting pounded one after another by waves.  The moment you are able to arise to the surface and gasp for air, the next wave has pummeled you again.  Pretty soon you are tired, out of air and feeling really desperate.  The ocean does not care though, as the huge waves keep rolling in, taking their toll and stealing your will to come up again.  Finally, after what seems like an eternity, there will be a break between sets and you'll have the chance to regroup and charge back out again.  Looking back, the main thing I takeaway from those now distant experiences is no matter how down you are feeling in the moment, you must  try to stay up under all circumstances.  Even when you are tired and out of air, it's just a matter of time before you'll get the opportunity to regroup, adjust and then give it all another go; this time with some added  wisdom and resilience in your back pocket.    

1 comment:

  1. This is so true and something we need to remember, especially when times are tough.
